Welcome to the Heart-Based Center Basel


Loving Intentional Field Therapy

Imagine how it would feel to experience...

… more inner strength
… deep nourishing sleep
… a sense of calm, clarity and confidence
… relief from anxiety and overwhelm

Just one hour of LIFT gives you the equivalent of 3-4 hours of deep, restful sleep. LIFT helps to relax, replenish and reset your nervous system so you can live life to the full. Each session is a blend of gently guided visualization and touch therapy that restores wellbeing by creating an inner environment of safety and comfort.

What is LIFT Vitality Therapy?

Deep relaxation is possible in the safe hands of our experienced LIFT therapists, without massage or talk therapy. After we have clarified any health concerns with a few gentle questions, we invite you to lie down on the treatment table fully clothed. By placing our hands on and around your head and body, we create an atmosphere of safety and comfort that allows your nervous system to relax and restore itself.

Whether you’re a busy parent or caregiver whose own needs have been pushed aside, an overworked professional craving space, a young person feeling anxious or isolated, or someone just not getting enough sleep, we can help.

After their sessions, many of our clients are surprised and delighted by the improvement in their sleep, the reduced anxiety and the quality of the solutions that emerge from their clear minds.

LIFT works in harmony with all other medical treatments and healing methods. A treatment is usually performed lying down and lasts 45 minutes for adults and 30 minutes for children. Your first session includes a brief needs assessment.

For chronic conditions, two or three consecutive sessions may be necessary. Monthly maintenance sessions help to improve your resilience and vitality.

LIFT for children is also available for children over 5 and can help restore calm and confidence.


Your Therapist

Andrea Gardner

I am a qualified and experienced clinical hypnotherapist, life coach and practitioner of Loving Intentional Field Therapy (LIFT), who finds fulfillment in helping others live their most delightful life.  LIFT sessions are the natural result of my 25 years’ dedication to discovering what contributes to true health and wellbeing, and what gets in the way.

Adults usually come to me when they lack vitality and want to feel better. Energy can become depleted or destabilized by life events, trauma, surgery, stress, poor sleep and anxiety. I work gently with your body’s energy system and the creative power of visualization to rebalance the flow of vital life force and calm your nervous system, which often brings deep comfort and relief. Essentially, my purpose is to restore your own self-healing ability so that you no longer need me.

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New clients: CHF 97 per hour

Three sessions : CHF 3x 120 per hour

Regular price CHF 150 per hour

Make an appointment

Vital-Life Coaching

Every cell of your body is listening and responding to your inner conversation. If you would like to take your journey of self-discovery to a deeper level, it helps to have an experienced, intuitive coach by your side. I can help you interpret your body’s subtle somatic messages, explore the gap between where you are now and where you would like to be, and create a life that delights and excites you.

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The Heart-Based Center

The Heart-Based Center is a health center for heart-based medical and therapeutic counseling and support. Heart-based medicine is a skill that can be taught, acquired, and studied like any other specialty. The multi-professional team is guided by the philosophy and findings of the Heart-Based Medicine Foundation, which scientifically researches, validates and communicates the energy potential and healing power of love and human-centered medicine. The heart-based offer includes therapy, counseling and coaching.

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I look forward to meeting you

You can contact me at any time by email

Or schedule an appointment directly.

Heart-Based Center Basel
Güterstrasse 86
4053 Basel

Wir sind für Dich da!

Montag – Freitag
9:00 – 17:00 Uhr