
Integral Stress Test™

Integral Stress TestTM

Find out if you’ve already exceeded your individual stress threshold.

The Integral Stress Test™ is a holistic analysis that helps you identify your individual stress level and find effective solutions. It combines science-based methods with an integral approach to identify physical, mental and emotional stressors.

With the help of targeted questions and measurements, you will receive a comprehensive assessment of your stress load. Afterwards, you will receive practical recommendations in a coaching session to address the root causes of your stress – for more energy, serenity and quality of life for you, for your family and for your organization.

Your personal Stress Test™

Choose the right level for you!

IST™ Level 1IST™ Level 1+IST™ Level 2+IST™ Combo +
Online questionnaire
30 minutes Health Coaching (feedback online questionnaire)
Laboratory test (urine, saliva)
Heart rate variability HRV (3-7 days wearing a First Beat Sensor)
60 minutes of health coaching (feedback on online questionnaire, laboratory tests, HRV measurement)

IST™ Level 1

Online questionnaire

Test your stress limit online – get your personalized recommendations instantly!

Complete the IST™ online questionnaire and immediately receive a scientifically validated assessment of your vulnerability

You will receive personalized recommendations for your next steps.

IST™ Level 1+

Online Questionnaire & 30-Minute Health Coaching

“Test your stress threshold online now – receive instant recommendations and plan your next steps with a coach”

Complete the IST™ online questionnaire and immediately receive a scientifically validated assessment of your vulnerability.

Discuss your results with an experienced health coach to receive personalized recommendations and plan your next steps.

IST™ Level 2 +

Lab tests, heart rate variability (HRV) and 60 minutes of health coaching

Understand your stress reactions and measure your capacity for recovery – Your coach will help you understand the results and improve your health”

Measure your neurobiological factors through the laboratory tests: cortisol daily profile (saliva), serotonin adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine (urine). These tests objectively explain changes in your emotions, thinking and behavior. Your heart rate variability (HRV) shows how well your body can regenerate. With a measurement of your HRV over several days, you will understand your balance between stress load and recovery.

Discuss your results with an experienced health coach to receive personalized recommendations and plan your next steps.

IST™ Combo +

Online questionnaire, laboratory tests, HRV and 60 minutes of health coaching.

Test your stress load, understand your stress response and measure your recovery capacity – your coach will help you interpret the results and improve your health!”

Complete the online questionnaire IST™ and immediately receive a scientifically validated assessment of your vulnerability. Discuss your results with an experienced health coach to get personalized recommendations and plan your next steps.

Record your neurobiological factors through the laboratory tests: cortisol daily profile (saliva), serotonin, adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine (urine). These tests objectively explain changes in your emotions, thinking and behavior.

Your heart rate variability (HRV) shows how well your body can regenerate. With a measurement of your HRV over several days, you will understand your balance between stress load and recovery.

Discuss your results with an experienced health coach to receive personalized recommendations and plan your next steps.

What strengthens you also strengthens your team!

In einer Zeit, in der Menschen sich zunehmend von sich selbst entfremden, helfen wir dir dabei, die Verbindung wiederherzustellen. Es geht nicht nur um Gesundheit. Wir stehen für eine neue Generation des Seins.

Für Endkunden

Für Unternehmen


fühlen sich chronisch müde oder erschöpft


haben Schlafprobleme oder Schlafstörungen

1 von 4

Arbeitnehmern berichtet über Burnout-Symptome

1 von 3

Studierenden ist Burnout gefährdet


leiden stark unter Ängsten


haben eine verdachtsdiagnose einer psychischen Erkrankung


Finde heraus, ob du deine individuelle Belastungsgrenze bereits überschritten hast.

Führe den Online Fragebogen (IST™ Level 1) online durch und erhalte sofort eine wissenschaftlich validierte Einschätzung deiner Vulnerabilität. Du bekommst direkt personalisierte Empfehlungen für deine nächsten Schritte.

Harte Daten

Integraler Stress Test™
Durch die Objektivierung von deinen individuellen neurobiologischen Anpassungsreaktionen und deiner Regeneration sind wir extrem genau.

Schnelles Feedback

Psychologische Unterstützung
Durch schnelle und unkomplizierte Kontaktaufnahme bekommst du schnell Unterstützung.

Andere Massnahmen

Wir arbeiten wir mit gezielter Substitution der Botenstoffe, die dir fehlen oder die zu hoch sind. Der stärkste Pfad der Veränderung.

Neue Habits

Health Coaching
Wir unterstützen dich in einem ganzheitlichen Coaching um Selbstverantwortung und Selbstwirksamkeit zu stärken.

We look forward to seeing you.

Give us a call, send us an e-mail or drop by:

Heart-Based Center Basel
Güterstrasse 86
4053 Basel, Schweiz